Saturday, November 30, 2019

Virtual Reality Essay Example For Students

Virtual Reality Essay Virtual Reality is interactivity in such a way that the user actually feelsimmersed in the world that the computer creates. Special clothing, headgear andequipment, depending upon the application. The clothing contains sensors thatrecord the users movements and immediately transmit that information back to thecomputer. For example, to walk through a virtual reality simulation of a house,you would need garb that monitors the movement of your feet, hands and head. Youwould also need goggles that contain video screens and also audio attachmentsand feeling gloves so that you can be immersed in the computer feedback. Virtualreality also provides benefits in educational, scientific and business work. We will write a custom essay on Virtual Reality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Japan has just put it to work in its department stores. The stores sell kitchenappliances called Virtual Kitchen. The prospective buyers bring their kitchenlayouts to the department store, where trained staff enters a copy of the designinto the computer. The customers then don the appropriate equipment and suddenlyfind themselves in their own kitchen. These appliances can be tried out invarious sizes, colours and locations. They can also test the opening and closingof the cabinet doors and drawers. They can place their existing table and chairsinto the picture so that the scene will be very realistic. They can walk aroundand discover and feel the ambiance of the new kitchen. With this technology, thecustomer is able to buy with a great more deal of confidence What Are Its UsesVirtual Reality is used: 1) In surgery system to view the virtual brain withsuperb three dimensional reality. 2) To simulate fatigue of cancer patients 3)In some electronic games 4) To stimulate construction des igns 5) In amusementpark attractions.

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